My Life (Or Something Like It)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Tired and a Little Angry

It's Wednesday morning! Almost half the week has gone by, thank goodness, but I am already tired enough for it to be Friday afternoon. Why, you ask? Well, there are probably a number of factors involved, but I like to mainly blame my husband. Hey, that's what he's there for, right?

I realized when I married him that he is a bit of a TV addict, but then I figured that just about every man I have ever met is, to some extent, a TV addict. Anyway, so what's going on is that I cannot get my husband to turn the television off at night until at least 11:00pm. I have to get up just after 6:00am, so this ticks me off a bit. Last night, like so many nights before, I tried to get him to turn it off at 10:00. I told him that there are 2 other TVs in the apartment, and therefore he should go somewhere other than the bedroom. He proceeded to tell me that there was another bed and a couch in the apartment, and that if I was having trouble sleeping with the TV on then I should utilize one or the other. I said that this was not right, and that sleeping should take priority over television watching. When he still wouldn't turn off the TV, I got angry. Then he said I had an anger problem. I'll show him an anger problem! I love my husband very much, but come on! Anyway, I just felt like venting.

Other than being tired, I'm actually doing pretty well. I'm still not 100% better after my bout with the flu, but I'm getting there. In the next few days I'm hoping that my cough will go away. I think I'm done venting for now...better get to work!


  • At 8:24 AM, Blogger flannel04 said…

    Yeah...I wanted to get my husband a TiVo for Christmas, but decided not to. Good thing! I have enough trouble with him and live television. I don't know what it would be like if he had a day's worth of recordings to watch!


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