My Life (Or Something Like It)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

It Begins...

What begins? The fun part! :o) Matthew is now crawling very well - out into the hallway, chasing after the cats and all that. His knees are red and have little bruises on them, but they'll toughen up in time. He is also getting very good at using objects (furniture, toys, etc.) to help him get from his hands and knees to just his knees and, sometimes, his feet! He can't stand without holding on to something yet, though. Not enough balance for that! Here's what the newsletter says:

Your baby boy, Matthew, is 39 weeks (Approximately 9.1 months) old now.
At nine months old, babies usually range from 26.25 inches long and 16 pounds (10th percentile) to 29 inches long and 21.5 pounds (90th percentile).
Your baby no doubt knows his or her name and understands many words for people or objects that he or she loves. Your baby also understands common gestures. For example, if you motion for him or her to "come here," he or she will probably crawl over to you without having to hear the words. He or she is also an expert babbler and probably loves to repeat one sound or series of sounds over and over. Since your baby is probably mimicking many of your behaviors - the good as well as the bad - now's the time to think about what behaviors you'd like to change or improve in yourself before he or she starts following your example. For example, if you react calmly when things don't go your way, then your baby is likely to do the same. If you get upset and yell, he or she is likely to mirror that behavior as well. That can be a scary thought. People often wonder how they became just like their parents. Well, it all starts now.
Does your baby like to clap his or her hands and move his or her body to music? Rhythm and interactive games are big favorites right now. Try teaching him or her the finger movements to songs like "Itsy-Bitsy Spider" and "This Little Piggy Went to Market." Point out body parts such as your eye, nose, mouth to help him or her learn the words - soon he or she will be able to point to the correct body part along with you.

Matthew loves to say "bababababa" right now, and he really jams to music! :o) He bounces up and down when he hears some that he likes. My husband has been working with him on body parts - mostly the face (nose, eye, ear, etc.). He's feeling better - in the past day or two his nose has gotten less stuffy and he's in a better mood. Gave me his cold, though :oP What a nice boy! His 9 month well baby visit is this afternoon so we get to see how big he's getting - as if we need proof that he's growing like a weed! His hair is, too. He could use another hair cut.


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