My Life (Or Something Like It)

Monday, March 19, 2007

A Week Late

OK, so Matthew will be 42 weeks old tomorrow and I'm just now getting around to posting his week 41 info. Sue me ;oP

Your baby boy, Matthew, is 41 weeks (Approximately 9.6 months) old now.
Teaching your baby to feed themselves can take a lot of practice and create quite a few big messes. Keep in mind that this new skill will take some getting used to - be patient. It may seem more like play to your baby in the beginning and more food may end up on the floor, the wall, and him or her than down his or her throat. Be prepared for the fact that it will also take your baby much longer to feed themselves than it takes you to feed him or her. One other piece of advice: invest in a drop cloth or use an old shower curtain to protect the floor and make for easy cleanup, just until your baby gets the hang of it. You may have re-read the same book to your baby the past several nights because he or she would not stand for any other story. He or she is comforted by seeing the same images and hearing the same words over and over. Be patient and try slipping in a new story every once in a while. Your baby will also probably love books that have different textures on their pages or ones that make noise as you turn the page. Your baby may finally be mastering the fine art of sitting down by bending his or her knees. This is a big improvement (in his or her eyes, no doubt) from sitting by falling down. Your baby may also have learned to wave bye-bye back to you as you leave.

Matthew is a horribly messy eater if left to his own devices. Which, unfortunately, causes his father and I to not leave him up to his own devices for very long! He squishes his food, puts it on his highchair or the wall, drops it all over, tries to fling his spoon and cup, etc. He's good about Cheerios and puffs, but those don't really make messes. He really has gotten to the point where he LOVES food of all kinds. Which is good...just messy :o) He likes to hear the same stories. My parents gave us another book to read to him (I was So Mad!) and he likes that one too. So now we're up to 4 books that we can read to him without him getting fussy about it. Well, 5, if you count this really short one with farm animals playing peekaboo. Great Grandma F. got him that one for Christmas! He can walk pretty long distances when holding onto his new push/ride toy, and he's just starting to be able to get himself down gracefully. For the most part, though, he still whines when he's standing because he would much rather someone come rescue him instead of having to figure out how to get down by himself! The stinker :o) Anyway, more to come tomorrow...


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