My Life (Or Something Like It)

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Work, Work and More Work

Good morning! The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Actually, it's cloudy, misty, and the only birds you hear these days are geese and crows, but I'm trying to remain positive.

Just got out of a meeting with the boss...have a list of things to do that will keep me busy for a while. And there's plenty more where that came from! One of my company's goals this year is to pass a big quality audit that a lot of companies require you to pass before they will buy your products. We are a very small (~50 employees) company and, let me tell you, there is a ton of work to do before we will pass this thing. Not that we don't pay attention to quality regulations (we have to regularly pass FDA inspections), but there are a lot of procedures that need to be documented, internal audits that need to take place, etc. Now, if you have paid attention to my previous posts, you will realize that I am the safety manager. So, I know very little about the product quality side of business. The way my company's organization chart is set up, however, places me in the production department. Therefore...guess who gets to learn a bunch of new stuff! Lucky me.

I guess I had better get started on incorporating basic cGMP training into the contractor/visitor safety program. That, at least, I can handle. The real fun will be Crisis Management. Hope they don't find out about the time the tornado sirens went off and I ran frantically around the apartment to gather my cats before taking shelter in the bathroom. On the second floor. While my husband stood by the bedroom window, staring at the sky. We'll have to work on that.


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