My Life (Or Something Like It)

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Slip, Slide and Away!

Ash Wednesday is here, and so begins another season of Lent. I think that this will be the first Ash Wednesday on which I do not go to church. I work 8-5, and there is a work-related dinner tonight that I am attending. Not good reasons to miss church, I realize, but to compensate I've decided to attend Stations of the Cross on all the Fridays of Lent. I don't know if I will be giving anything up...maybe my morning coffee? Yikes! I'll think of something.

My secret has been revealed at work...a coworker of mine happened to be behind me during the last couple minutes of my drive in this morning. I believe his exact words were "You drive like a madman!" I don't think that's really true...I just get irritated when people turn on their signals 10 feet before they want to turn and then hit the brakes. I may have been following a bit too close, and I may have swerved a bit recklessly (after checking my mirrors, of course) into the other lane to get around the person who was turning, but I didn't hit anyone! And then I may have slid around quite a bit while pulling into the unplowed parking lot (we got a couple inches of snow last night), but most of that was on purpose. I've never been in an accident, except for 2 very minor fender benders a few years ago for which the police weren't even called. I've never even gotten a speeding ticket. Just one for not making a complete stop at a sign, once, which I think was suspicious anyway. That cop had been on my tail just waiting for me to do something wrong! My driving is fine.

I got a call from a friend of mine last night that I rarely get to talk to anymore. I've known her since 1st grade - almost 20 years - but we haven't been in regular contact since highschool. Turns out she's getting married in May. I knew that she was getting married, but I didn't know it was so soon! She would like me to sing a song at the wedding (something that I do from time-to-time), but the wedding happens to be 3.5-4 hours away. This isn't a big deal, but it also happens to be occuring the day before I am flying out for a business trip to Anaheim. And no, it does not involve roller coasters or oversized mice. I didn't tell her yes or no, yet, so we'll see. I'd feel really, really bad about not going, so my guilt may win over my common sense.

Well, I've rambled on again. Off to work I go (hi-ho?)!


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