My Life (Or Something Like It)

Friday, July 15, 2005

Growing Pains

It's been a while since I bitched about my job, so I think I'll get it all out now. I'll feel better afterwards! And anyway, it's not really bitching. Just venting a bit.

As I've mentioned before, my job title ends in the word Manager, yet I do not have any direct authority over my coworkers. To put it another way - on my company's organizational chart, there are no little branches coming out of my box to indicate that there are people who report to me. I am, however, expected to make up, train others on, and "enforce" health and safety rules. "Enforce" is in quotations because I don't have the authority to discipline people. It's more like, if I see a safety violation, I tell people to fix it and then hope that they do. If they don't fix it, then I have to go to their bosses and hope that their bosses will lay down the law.

Now, when it comes to my coworkers' opinions about how I handle my job, there are 2 sets of people. The first set consists of those who believe that I should go through the proper channels to achieve my goals. For example, I want to put ergonomic mats down in the laboratory due to an lab employee's safety suggestion. I have no budget, so I can't just buy them. I took my idea to the lab supervisor, who in turn took the idea to his Director. Now the Director is going to the Vice President, who gets very concerned about the aesthetics of the workplace, to ensure that she will not mind us putting mats down in the laboratory. This concept of "going through proper channels" is something that we actually get evaluated on during our reviews. And I got a "meets expectations" so I guess my boss approves of this method of going about things.

The other set of people believe that I am not aggressive or authoritative enough. That I am a "manager" and therefore should take a little more initiative in fixing problems or implementing ideas myself. That safety and health is my responsibility and everyone, including the owners of the company, should have to do what I say because about 90% of the policies that I implement are the law (literally - they come from the OSHA standards). Today, especially, the Director of Sales and Marketing gave me an earful because he thinks that I need to be more "aggressive" and stop always asking other people before I take action. I've also gotten this from my boss about some things. He sends mixed messages sometimes, without really meaning to. He thinks I should take the initiative and be authoritative, but also lead by "influence" and go through the proper channels. Sigh.

Anyway, so today I sent out an email to everyone in the company because a few people are not wearing their safety glasses and proper footwear in various areas that they should be doing these things in. I wanted the email to basically portray the fact that I am frustruated because I have told everyone multiple times what the rules are. I spelled out the rules again (complete with underlining and bold font), and explained exactly why they need to follow them. I believe I included the statement "I completely understand that these rules are not covenient, but they are rules." The Human Resource Administrator (who has made no secret in the past of wanting me to be more aggressive) asked me if someone put starch in my underwear. Sigh again. But she did think it was good that I was very clear that the rules apply to everyone and they need to be followed. And the Director that got uppity with me today emailed me back saying that he liked my email because I sounded "empowered" and "authoritative." Not that it really matters what he thinks, but it did feel good to tell people off (although I tried really hard to not be overtly bitchy). I take a lot of crap from people because I am the first safety person that this company has ever had and they don't always appreciate me coming in and making changes. Especially since I am right out of college. But whatever. That's what I was hired for.

Ok, well I guess that's enough. Everyone has their little dramas going on at work. It's just hard when you're expected to take charge but you have no real power. It's Friday, though, so at least I have a couple days to chill out. And starch my underwear for Monday.


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