My Life (Or Something Like It)

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Bunch of Alkies!

A new day is dawning, arise from your sleep and all that. Boy, did my coworkers and I have a blast at the dinner party last night! First of all, I work with a bunch of borderline alcoholics. Ok, not really, but you know what I mean. They like to drink, they like to drink a lot at a time, and they like to drink as often as they can get away with. The party was at 6:00 and we all get off work at 5:00, so most of us just decided to hang around the office until about 5:40. I went back to the finance department at one point, and a bunch of ladies were sitting around in an office, eating pretzels and drinking beer and wine. This would usually not be allowed (obviously), but we are a privately owned company and the president and vice president (husband and wife) said it was fine. Then, at the party, there was more alcohol to drink than anything else. It was a party for our international sales people, so we had all these Europeans coming in with their own bottles of wine. I was very good, for a change. I had half a glass of Merlot and the rest of the time I drank coke (hold the rum). My husband didn't believe me when I told him, but it's true! I was being as good as I get for Ash Wednesday. I had a small serving of vegetarian lasagna, a small serving of salad, and a little roll. And then the smallest piece of cheesecake that I could find. I wasn't going to have any, but it was turtle cheesecake and who can resist that? I done good, as they say. This morning at the coffee pot I ran into the guy that probably drank the most last night. I asked how he was and he said, "wonderful, thank you," so all's well that ends well.


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