My Life (Or Something Like It)

Monday, April 25, 2005

Be Nice To The IT Guy

Monday is almost over, thank goodness. Today actually hasn't been that bad. I've been trying to finish up the Workplace Violence Prevention Program, but it looks like this task will spill over into tomorrow. You know what's scary is when you're going through the warning signs of potentially violent behavior and you realize that several people that you work with exhibit quite a few of them. But then again, I exhibit a few of them, so maybe it's not such a big deal afterall. Here they are, for your informational purposes:

-History of violence
-Romantic obsession that is ignored or rejected
-Chemical dependence
-Severe depression due to personal problems
-Pathological blaming of others
-High frustration with work or personal environment
-Fascination with guns or other weapons
-Fascination with violence or terrorism
-Paranoia or belief that the system is unfair
-Inability to accept criticism
-Intimidating, harassing or threatening behavior
-Uneven job performance and large mood swings
-Moral or political intolerance
-Social isolation or low self-esteem
-Chronic disputes with coworkers or supervisors

There, now you too can go around analyzing your coworkers until you are thoroughly convinced that you work with a bunch of psychopaths that could go postal* at any moment! Welcome to my world.

*I feel a responsibilty to clarify that I am using the term "postal" here as pure slang. Postal workers actually are statistically less likely to be the victims of homicide than other workers. Who knew?


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