My Life (Or Something Like It)

Friday, March 18, 2005

It's Just So Wrong


I read another "oddly enough" news article today that disturbed me considerably. It involves bodily fluids again, but in a different way than the other articles that have felt the need to speak out against.

Now, I would like to share the fact that I am a big-time animal lover. Not the kind of animal lover that refuses to eat meat or throws paint on people wearing fur (although I don't care to ever own a fur coat), but definitely the type of animal lover that hates to see one of them in any kind of pain or distress. I have lived with at least one cat since the age of 4, and also currently own some fish. I also enjoy dogs, bunnies, and other kinds of creatures. Not afraid of rodents or snakes, although I have to admit a rather strong aversion to insects and arachnids. I tell you all of this to make a point. While I am considered by many to get overly sentimental about "Animal Precinct" and hunting shows on television, I would never, not in my absolute worst moments, consider putting an animal out of its lustful misery by having sex with it. Never. I don't even think that's what this guy did, really. He just couldn't find a human to help put himself out of his lustful misery, so he took it out on some poor doggies. That's just sick.

And with that, I'm going to go get ready to go to Stations of the Cross. And I'm going to have to pray for the human race. A lot.


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