My Life (Or Something Like It)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

We're Doomed

For the first time the war in Iraq has touched me, albeit in a small way. The American that has most recently been taken hostage and seen on a video pleading for his life is from LaPorte, IN (about a 20-30 minute drive from here). He just happens to be the president of a company that my company has done business with. I have actually been at that company and had a meeting with some "top dog" sort of guys. I don't know if he was in that meeting or not (it was almost a year ago, and I didn't know at the time that he was going to be kidnapped in Iraq so I didn't pay attention), but it's still weird. Everybody say a prayer for'd like to think that he will be fine, but at the same time history has shown that Americans taken hostage over there do not fair very well.

As I sit here thinking upon recent events - 1) A guy that I might possibly have met got kidnapped and just might get beheaded in Iraq 2) The Pope died 3) Brittany Spears is pregnant and 4) Anthony Federov did not get voted off of American Idol last night - I have reached a very startling conclusion. The Apocalypse is upon us. Everybody better get to confession pronto.


  • At 9:18 PM, Blogger Extra Ordinary Boy said…

    Is that your little roundabout way of scaring me into becoming a Cathoholic? It just ain't gonna

    I kid...I kid because I love.

  • At 8:38 AM, Blogger flannel04 said…

    While some of the stuff that has been going on is rather scary, I didn't mention it to convert anyone. Believe me, I know how next to impossible it is. I've been trying it with my husband for nearly 4 years. And I myself have not been to confession since my early teens. Shame on me!


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