My Life (Or Something Like It)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I'm a Slacker

Sorry to those who have been impatiently waiting for me to post again. I didn't know there were any people who cared! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. The reason that I haven't been posting as much lately is so shady. As I said previously, I've been trying not to blog at work. Also, I have to be careful about when I blog at home, because my husband doesn't know that I have a blog! That way, I have sort of a private area all my own where I can talk about things (including him) without worrying about his reactions. Not that I couldn't say most, if not all, of the things I've said here to him. It's just nice to have something that is "mine" and not "ours". Seems like after the wedding, everything is "ours"! So, anyway, I have to blog when I'm home and he's not. Which is only a few times a week.

There really hasn't been much interesting going on. I was pretty depressed about the Pope dying for a few minutes, but then I realized that he is at the very worst not suffering anymore and, at the very best, happier than any of us can even imagine. So I stopped being so depressed. I'm still a little anxious about who they make the new Pope, but there's not a thing I can do about it. So I'll just sit, wait and watch like the rest of the world!

Work is going ok. We got a new production guy, so I spent most of the day yesterday training him on all of our safety programs. I wanted to split the training up into 2 days, but the Human Resource Administrator said that I should just get it all over with. So I bored the guy to tears and I don't think he cares for me too much. I guess that's why I get called the "Safety Nazi". Affectionately, of course!

Lastly, my birthday is Monday! I will be 25 - yikes! Where did my early 20's go? Hubby said that, as my present, he was taking me to Harrah's in East Chicago on Saturday night. Then we'll spend Sunday in Chicago. I guess the good thing about moving up so far north is that we're only about 90 miles from the city. I'm looking forward to getting away, even if it is just for one day. I spend too much time in the apartment on weekends.

Well, hope all this information keeps everyone occupied for a while! And for you baby watchers, no baby this month. I read that it takes an average of 4-6 months of trying to get pregnant, though, so I'm not too disappointed. This way I can have a beer (or 2) in the casino! Got to live it up while I can - I hear that it won't happen again for about 20 years.


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