My Life (Or Something Like It)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Had To Get It Out

Wow, 2 posts in one day. Making up for the past week, I guess.

I just had to comment on a post that was written by an old friend of mine, Matt. I've known Matt since middle school (and probably before that since we went to the same elementary school). We have very little in common, but not being like me does not automatically make you uncool :o) Anyway, I don't think that he would mind me revealing that he is gay. Read his blog, and you will realize that he is not "in the closet" by any stretch of the imagination. And I say that not trying to imply that it is either a good or bad thing, just as a fact.
Now, I don't often feel a need to justify and/or clarify my religious beliefs. I figure, you believe what you want to believe, I'll let you, and then you afford me the same courtesy. But his last post has left me feeling a need to explain why, though I am a pretty strict Christian, I am not "that kind" of Christian.
I have traditional Christian beliefs that are in conflict with some of my friends' beliefs. Namely, I don't belive in abortion (unless, of course, the mother's life is in danger), the death penalty (how you can believe that abortion is wrong but the death penalty is ok is a little beyond me), or euthanasia. My views on homosexuality are are also fueled by my Christianity, but perhaps they aren't what you would think.
Now, does the Bible say that homosexuality is wrong? Sure. But, call me crazy, doesn't the Bible also say something to the effect of the greatest commandment being to "love thy neighbor as you love yourself?" And something else about "let he who hath no sin cast the first stone?" Oh, and how about "judge not lest ye be judged?" Maybe some "Christians" conveniently forgot about those parts.
For those of you who have not taken the time to read Matt's post entitled "bash," it was about an instance where he was assaulted for being gay. Which, just as a little aside, the guy that assaulted him couldn't even really know. It was Halloween, so I don't see why being a man dressed as a woman automatically makes you gay. But, I'm straying from the point that I am trying (ever so uneloquently) to make. I may be Christian but that guy who did the verbal and physical assaulting was most assuredly not. He may have thought he was. Just like a lot of other people who engage in gay bashing may think that they are. But do you think that God, the God who so loved the world that he sent his only Son to die for our sins on the cross, would approve of assault? Let me put it another way...if Jesus saw a man in a dress walking down the street, would He have used his fists to express his opinion? Somehow, I truly doubt it. And therefore I doubt that anyone who would is any kind of follower of Jesus. And therefore, not a Christian.
I guess what I'm saying, to sum it all up, is that I'm not (under normal circumstances) one to judge people harshly because they may not believe the same way that I do. I'm truly sorry for what happened to you Matt. And I'm truly sorry for all the hatred spewed at anyone in the name of God. I'm sure that He is, too.


  • At 8:43 PM, Blogger Extra Ordinary Boy said…

    Hey K...I hope this comes out right, lol...I certainly wasn't speaking of you when I spoke of people using the bible as a weapon or twisting it to suit their needs. You were almost the last person I thought would have a comment about this situation, good or bad. You and I spread the religious spectrum pretty well. If you and I can get along, I'm pretty sure most anyone else could, too.

    (I honestly think our biggest disagreement came in 7th grade when I mispelled your name on a science report...You'll notice that I am still not sure how so I always write K or kharney lol)

    I should also say that was JUST a halloween thing, I have not, do not, and will not dress as a woman on a regular basis.

  • At 8:11 AM, Blogger flannel04 said…

    I know you weren't talking specifically about me...but I still somehow felt the need to denounce the kind of bigotry that seems to run rampant in society today - often in the name of religion. And I know that I have never, personally, seen you wear a dress. I figured it was all Halloween-type fun. And by the way, it's Kristin. Now you'll know how to spell it if we ever do another science report!

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger flannel04 said…

    I never said that homosexuality wasn't a sin. I believe I said that the bible says homosexuality is wrong. And yes, part of our responsibility as Christians is to help others see the "error of their ways" so to speak. But we shouldn't forget that we ourselves are sinners. Coming at others in a violent and accusatory manner will not help them do anything but see you as a giant hypocrite, and then hate you (and the religion that fuels your negative opinion of them). Other Christians are free to practice their religion in the way that they thinks best serves Christ, and I'll do the same.


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