My Life (Or Something Like It)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Married, But Not Dead (Yet)

Not much to say...just tired and wishing it were Thursday. Why Thursday? Because this Friday is Good Friday and I have the day off! There isn't much that makes me happier than a 3 day weekend (unless it's the 4 day weekend we get for Thanksgiving, or the week off we get between Christmas and New Years).

I was just reading the synopsis of yesterdays episode of Guiding Light. I used to watch it everyday, but now I just get to read the paragraph on the CBS website. In the last couple of years that I watched the show regularly, they introduced a lot of new actors and actresses. That's what happens in soap operas. There is this one actor, Bradley Cole (his real name, not his character's name) who I thought was pretty good looking. He is one year younger than my dad, though, so I really didn't get obsessed. Then, though, they put him in this storyline where he had a pretty hot and heavy relationship with an actress that was around my age. So, it started me thinking. And now I think that he is possibly the most attractive man on the planet. Or at least up there in my top 5.

Is it just me? I always did have a thing for older guys. Oh well.


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