My Life (Or Something Like It)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Time For Another Gross-Out!

I realize that I had done pretty good lately at not grossing anybody out with discussion of bodily (mainly female reproductive system) functions, but I just can't contain myself today. I got bored about half-way through the afternoon, so I decided to do a little internet searching. I read something that literally made me feel nauseaus. So I will share it with you all. Those of you who already have children will already know all of this, but bear with me.

Did you know that, for up to 6 weeks after you give birth, you continuously "bleed" out of your vagina? It's not "bleeding" really, but I use that term to prevent me from having to explain exactly what I read. The first couple days it's bright red, then turns to pink, then eventually brown before it stops completely. And your perineum (yes, that lovely area between the formerly mentioned organ and your anus) is very likely to be swollen, bruised and sore - even if you do not have an episiotomy (for those of you who don't know - that's what the doctor calls it when he/she cuts your perineum during birth to avoid tearing due to the massive life form that you are squeezing out of a relatively small hole). Yuck. I fully expect an episiotomy, though, considering that they are very common. I suppose that a nice, clean cut beats a ragged tear any day.

Anyway, so I had to get up, get some water and walk for a few minutes after reading this. I still am trying to have a kid, though. I keep hearing the end result outweighs the unpleasantness of getting to the end result.

Now for some personal, potentially exciting/potentially not news. I am now on day 24 of a normally 28-32 day cycle. I don't feel any different from any other month except for one rather disconcerting thing - my nipples are amazingly sore (I know - too much information, but deal with it). Potentially exciting because this is an early pregnancy symptom. Potentially not exciting because this is also a PMS symptom. I haven't had exactly this kind of soreness before, but I've read more than one instance of women's bodies playing tricks on them when they're trying to conceive. It comes from being so in tune to every little pain and twinge while trying to figure out if you're pregnant way before you should realistically be able to tell.

Ok, well this long post has served its purpose - getting me through the last 15 minutes of my work day without actually having to work! Time to go home...'later!


  • At 6:15 PM, Blogger Extra Ordinary Boy said…

    What's really sad is that it wasn't hearing that your nipples are sore that was's that you may, at some point, have an episiotomy...and I may see you at some point soon after...and you may be bleeding from your Gina...

    That took me to a very bad place.

  • At 8:37 AM, Blogger flannel04 said…

    You crack me up. I'm glad nobody was walking by my office as I read your comment. I'm sorry that I took you to a bad place but, you know what? There's a pretty good chance that quite a few girls you talk to are bleeding from their "Ginas." Not to traumatize you or anything.


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