My Life (Or Something Like It)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

I Asked for It

I've decided to make this a pregnancy blog now. Not filled with a bunch of technical information, necessarily, but just one where I can bitch about the yucky side of it and gush about the good side of it. And if things end up going wrong somewhere, so be it.
For those of you who have not been pregnant (which is probably everyone who reads my blog, since I think there's 2 of you), it is not fun. At least not at first. I am 6 weeks today, according to the online pregnancy calendars, and for the last few days I have been sick, sick, sick. Today is the worst so far...I actually had myself convinced earlier this morning that I was coming down with a stomach virus of some sort. Then, right around 7:00am, all of the "I'm going to throw up" feelings mysteriously vanished. So I went and quickly ate a bowl of cereal so that they wouldn't come back. It is now about 8:45am, and I'm sitting at my desk choking down some saltines that the secretary gave me and feeling pukey again. She's the only one at work that I have told, and I only told her because she was the only one that knew my husband and I were trying to conceive. She knows how to keep her mouth shut, and I had to tell someone! She and her husband never had children, but she is sympathetic none-the-less. Which is nice. I know all of this will be worth it if I end up with a healthy baby at the end, but I have to keep reminding myself of that as my stomach gurgles ominously. Let's hope that I'm not like those poor women who are sick all through pregnancy. The first trimester (which ends after week 12, for those of you who may not know) is quite enough.


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