My Life (Or Something Like It)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Entering the Home Stretch

Well, I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow, but I decided to post today anyway. I am now in my 27th week of pregnancy! That means as of Friday, I will be entering my 3rd trimester. Yikes, only 13 weeks to go! It's weird how everything went so slowly in the first trimester when I was so sick and worrying about miscarriage, and now that things are really looking like I am going to have a "normal" healthy pregnancy and baby the weeks just fly by! I'll be in the worst pain of my life before we know it. But that's ok, because when it's over my little baby boy will be here and I can hardly wait to see him!

I get a pregnancy newsletter every week, so I thought I might share the interesting parts with those of you who may care :o)

This is day number 186 and you're 27 weeks pregnant!
You have 94 days or 13 weeks left, and are 67.5% of the way there.
Baby's age since conception is 172 days or 25 weeks. You are due on 6/9/2006.
As you mark the days of your third trimester off the calendar, your body will continue to change and grow. You will gain weight more rapidly than in your first or second trimester, and your breasts will increase in size and weight - up to four times larger and heavier. By the time you deliver, your total weight gain will probably be between 25 and 35 pounds if you are carrying a single baby, 40 and 50 pounds with twins, 50 and 60 pounds with triplets, and between 65 and 80 pounds with quadruplets. Your baby needs you to gain this weight so it has plenty of nutrition to develop and grow. If you skip a meal, so does your little one. Keep in mind that your weight gain is not just the baby; about 75 percent of your new weight is due to increased bodily fluids (such as blood), the placenta, and the increased size and weight of your breasts.
Your baby weighs approximately 2 pounds and measures about 9.6 inches from crown to rump. His or her facial features are almost fully developed and synchronizing enough that he or she may make faces that are visible on an ultrasound. Your babys skin is becoming thicker and fleshier and increasingly wrinkled, thanks to the amniotic fluid. The skin will remain wrinkled for the first month or so after birth just think about how your hands or feet look after you have been in the water for just 30 minutes! During this week, the brain continues its rapid growth, and the lungs continue to develop.

Yes! I've always wanted huge boobs! I have already increased to a C-cup, which I am so thrilled about. Well, at least I would be if they weren't also covered in purple stretch marks You can't win them all. Anyway, that's enough baby talk for one day. I am getting very excited, though, can you tell? I think the baby is getting excited, too, because he just got the hiccups. So cute!


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