My Life (Or Something Like It)

Monday, November 14, 2005

Wish I Had Something Different to Report

Just an update in case anyone has been curious about how things are going. The answer to that, of course, would be the same. I am now (according to my estimated due date) 10 weeks and 3 days pregnant. And I am still sick! Puked twice this morning, but so far this afternoon have been "fine." Last Friday was the worst day yet...I ended up puking 5 times. 4 of those times were at work, so my boss sent me home early. I had a blessedly puke-free weekend, though, probably due to the fact that I spent most of it in bed. Not all of it, though. Yesterday afternoon we ended up going out to lunch with my in-laws, who were passing through town on their way to Detroit (business trip for daddy-in-law). We ended up telling them about the point in trying to keep it secret when we were going to tell them next week anyway. They were pretty happy, as you could imagine. My mother-in-law didn't help matters by telling me that she was sick for 3-4 months with all 4 of her children, though. Fortunately, my sister-in-law says that she only gets sick during her first trimester, so there's hope! My first trimester ends next Friday (again, approximately), so I am psyched. Unless you've gone through it, you can not even imagine how absolutely drained I am from being sick all the time. I just want to curl up in bed and stay there. It really puts a damper on what is supposed to be a happy time! I am looking forward to my doctor's appointment tomorrow, though. They will supposedly be listening for a heartbeat, which I really really hope we can hear. It will give me something positive to hang onto while heaving repeatedly. I also am curious as to whether or not they will give me something for the nausea. I have lost 8 pounds, according to the bathroom scale here at work, so maybe they'll take me seriously. You know, I didn't think I would be begging for drugs for months yet!

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll have to check in tomorrow or Wednesday with an update on the doctor's appointment. Let's just hope I don't puke on him.


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