My Life (Or Something Like It)

Monday, January 09, 2006

Drum Roll Please....

Ok so I haven't posted in like, a month. Sue me! Actually, don't, because I don't have any money :o)

Hope that everybody had a nice holiday. My husband and I had a very nice Christmas and New Years. It sure was nice to have a week off to rest! I felt better that week than I had in a long time. Of course, last week towards the end I was sick and throwing up again, but it just comes with the territory I guess. The baby even got a few Christmas presents - a blanket and a couple stuffed toys. All gender neutral, which leads me to my main topic...

We found out what the baby is this morning! I had an ultrasound because of me measuring so big last month. It turns out that the baby is only measuring one day bigger than expected now, so my due date is still June 9th. Everything is normal - 2 hands, 2 feet, kidneys, bladder, heart, brain, etc. The doctor said that he was happy with what he saw, and if the doctor is happy, then I am happy. Oh, and by the way, I forgot to mention one body part that was fairly obvious even to my untrained eyes. It was a................(this is where the drumroll comes in)................penis! My baby has a penis! Which I sure hope means that he's a boy, because it would make for a very odd sort of girl. It is surprising, because I've had pretty strong feelings that this was a girl, but oh well. I am not in the least disappointed that it's a boy. In fact, I'm pretty thrilled. And my husband is as well. But those old wives had better rethink a few of their tales, because most of them seem to be wrong.

Anyway, I've shared my happy news, so I again am left with nothing much to say. Which is good, because I ought to get to work. I have a son to support, you know :o)


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