My Life (Or Something Like It)

Monday, April 03, 2006


My newsletter came early today! Usually it shows up later in the afternoon, but it was waiting for me when I first checked my email this morning. Of course, there were other things that I had to take care of first, but I'm finally getting a chance to read it. I don't know why I get so excited - I guess it just means that another week has passed and I'm getting closer and closer to my baby being born. And not being pregnant anymore. Which I'm really, really looking forward to:

This is day number 213 and you're 31 weeks pregnant!
You have 67 days or 9 weeks left, and are 77.5% of the way there.
Baby's age since conception is 199 days or 29 weeks. You are due on 6/9/2006.
you probably are getting a pretty good idea of which birth option you will choose and other details about your labor and delivery. Many expectant moms find it helpful to write down a specific birth plan and give a copy to their doctor and the hospital. Creating a birth plan reduces the number of questions asked of you during labor, a time when you may not wish to be bothered by decision making.
Heartburn is a discomfort many pregnant women face. The pain in your chest and abdomen is caused by your uterus pressing against your stomach, causing its acidic contents to be pushed back up into your esophagus. For relief, you can safely use antacids; however, as with any medication, check with your doctor first.
Your baby now weighs approximately 3.5 pounds, measures about 18 inches from head to toe, and is getting used to the world of light and dark by opening and closing its eyes. Its facial muscles continue to strengthen, and your baby can make different expressions.

Yeah, heartburn creeps up on me pretty often these days. It's usually not too bad - not painful, but I can feel that things are wanting to back up in my system. Just about everytime I burp these days, something wants to come up besides air. Which is not pleasant and probably TMI. But oh well! I have another doctor's appointment this week, so I'll probably post again on Wednesday or Thursday. I'm going to bring up my contractions again. I know it's "normal" to have Braxton Hicks at this stage, but some days I have a ton of them and I want to make sure the doctor knows. On Saturday night I was trying to get to sleep and I had 3 in a row, about 2 minutes apart. It's not like they are really painful, but having them right in a row took my breath away a bit and made things pretty uncomfortable. I'm also going to ask the doctor if she can tell what position the baby is in. I know that he can freely change positions until about 36 weeks, but I'm curious to know if those are hands or feet that keep moving around right above my belly button. I can't tell.

Well, back to work. Everyone have a great week!


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