My Life (Or Something Like It)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

So Nervous

In less than one hour my husband will be coming to pick me up from work to take me to my first prenatal appointment! I didn't think that I would freak out quite as much as I'm freaking out right now. I mean, I have no reason to assume that things aren't going well. I have had 5 positive pregnancy tests in the last 2 weeks (I told you I was hard to convince), plenty of nausea, fatigue, boob issues (sorry if TMI again) and no cramping or bleeding. But I just have this horrible fear that I'm going to get to the doctor and they're going to tell me that something is wrong and I have lost or am going to lose this baby. I suppose these are natural fears - especially with a first pregnancy - but knowing that they are natural fears do not make them any less scary! Anyway, I hope that later I can report to you all that I have medical confirmation that I'm going to be a mother, and that things are going extremely well so far. And that my mother-in-law's predictions that we are going to have twin girls are not true (we haven't told our families yet...she predicted this a while ago). Wish me luck!


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