My Life (Or Something Like It)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Still Plugging Away

Well, I am still alive. But barely! Ok, I'm probably being dramatic, but let's just say that I did not fully anticipate the unpleasantness of the first trimester of pregnancy. I will never again be unsympathetic towards a pregnant woman. They are not exaggerating...they feel wretched. It's like having a stomach virus for weeks (or even months) on end, which is bound to make anyone crazy and bitchy. Today I'm doing pretty well, because I have discovered the miracle that is potato chips. I have never been a huge potato chip fan, but they go down so easily and sit so well right now. Not like the saltines that I upchucked yesterday morning. I had the worst experience was the sickest I've been yet. I felt just gross all day, and then when I was driving home from work I actually had to pull over to throw up. It was a bit embarrassing. Know what? A cop drove right by and didn't even seem to notice. Thank God for everyone else on the road that I was puking up yogurt and not booze. And you know what else is irritating as hell? The gas. I would normally not mention it, but I'd like to just get it all out there for my readers' informational purposes. I am getting worse than my husband, and that's saying a lot! My pants are getting too tight, and it's not because I am "showing" yet. I haven't even gained any weight - in fact, I think I might have lost a pound or two. It's just that I'm so freakin' bloated. Let's just say that I am really looking forward to the second trimester. Not only do most women feel a lot better then, but the chance of miscarriage drops dramatically. That's the only way I can deal with the sickness...I just keep reminding myself that if I'm sick, that means that my pregnancy hormones are still swirling around, doing (hopefully) all the things they should be doing to make sure everything goes right.
Speaking of that, my husband brought home a rocking chair last night to put in "the baby's room." I keep telling him that it is a little early to be spending money. I'm only about 8 weeks pregnant, so things could still go wrong. He said that we needed another chair in the living room anyway. I just know that if something bad happens, it will be torture for me to look at that chair everyday. But he means well. It's so cute how excited he is. But, anyway. I better get back to work! Need to be making that money. I belive that our insurance only pays 80% of maternity costs, which means that we'll be shelling out about $3000. Good thing we started that savings account!


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