My Life (Or Something Like It)

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

No Relief in Sight

Well, I tell you what, babies have been all over the news lately. And not really in good ways. There was another incident of a pregnant woman being murdered (along with her 7 year old son), and case of a 10 month old girl having her SECOND HEAD surgically removed. Apparently it's one of the most rare birth defects - a conjoined twin attached at the head that does not fully form. So this "second head" could blink and smile, but was not capable of independent life. I don't know how I feel about the whole thing, other than creeped out.

I really need to get to work...I have done embarrassingly little for the last 2 days. There are 2 reasons behind this. The first is that my boss unexpectedly had to travel to New Orleans, so he hasn't been in all week. This is unfortunate, because I really needed to meet with him so that he could give me some stuff to do. I already did the stuff he asked me to do last time we had a meeting. So I'm just doing piddly busywork right now, for the most part. The second reason is that I have been so freaked out about this late period stuff that I have been researching female issues quite extensively. For example, did you know that there are a few women in this world who didn't test positive on a home pregnancy test until they were 3 months pregnant? And did you know that there are some more women in this world who got a negative on the blood pregnancy test they give you at the doctor's office, but still ended up being pregnant? Dude, not cool.

Finally, an update on my situation. Still no sign of Aunt Flo. Now 9 days late and counting. I thought that maybe things were starting up yesterday afternoon, but it turned out to be nothing. The low level cramping/tightness that I have felt in my abdomen over the last few days had gotten a little worse, and there was another sign or two that I won't gross you out with, but things are back to "normal" now. One thing that makes me nervous is that last night I was nauseaus for a bit, and this morning I wasn't feeling 100% either. So, if I'm not pregnant, infection maybe? Either way, we're talking about uncomfortableness for me. Sigh.


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