My Life (Or Something Like It)

Monday, February 21, 2005


I realize that people don't necessarily want to read about bodily functions, but I figure that since the only person who is reading this on any kind of regular basis is Spiffy, I'll go ahead and get some stuff off my chest.

Today marks the one week anniversary of the day that I was supposed to recieve my monthly miracle. That's the most delicate (and false) way of putting it that I could think of. Another way would be, I am one week late. And all you ladies out there know what I'm saying. Now, there are a few reasons why this should not overly concern me. For example, my husband and I are not trying to have a child, so we do take some precautions (i.e. he always uses something but I am not on birth control). Also, we are tired, busy people and have been together for over 3 years, so we are not sex crazy fiends who go at it every day (more like once a week). And, I started getting worried 2 days ago, so I took a pregnancy test. It was negative. On the other hand, there are some reasons why this does concern me. For example, I have never, to the best of my knowledge, been more than 4 days late. I also am no pregnancy test expert, so it is entirely possible that I may have done something wrong. Also, I have been reading up on the subject (non-stop), and false negatives on pregnancy tests are not nearly as rare as I would like them to be. And, if I'm not pregnant, what gives? What kind of terrible disease do I have that would cause me to be late like this? Am I going to die?

Ok, got that out of my system. It's not like it would be a huge deal if I was pregnant. My husband and I had planned on trying this summer, anyway. It's just that this would be my first child, and I have what I suppose are all the normal concerns. Also, on the flip side, what if I am just not very regular? What would this mean for my chances of getting pregnant later when I want to? And again, if I am pregnant, what am I going to look like in my strapless red bridesmaid dress at Spiffy's wedding? A quick calculation tells me that I would be 7 months along by August. It would not be a pretty picture!

Ok, well I actually feel a little better. I'd hoped that I would after spilling my guts! Stay tuned to see if I will be a mother, or if God is just playing a cruel joke on me. Either way, it's bound to be interesting reading.


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