My Life (Or Something Like It)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Wishing for Spring

Ah, Tuesday. Monday is over, yet the weekend is still so far away.

I would be happy that March has arrived, yet something seems wrong. Oh, that's right, it must be the 2 tons of snow falling as we speak. We got about 6 inches of it last night, and it looks like we will probably get at least 6 inches more before tomorrow morning (minds out of the gutter!). I just love driving in snow...feeling the futile spinning of the wheels as I try to accelerate when the light turns green. Gripping the wheel tightly as it jerks back and forth as I plow through a snowdrift in my Dodge Neon. You've never really lived until you've experienced losing complete control of your car as you drive in rush hour traffic. The rush is exhilerating.


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